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London. Tom "Ragz" Sanders is a musician and lives in the East End area at 787 Commercial Road above the bookmaker facing the Chapel of Limehouse the poorest neighborhood of the Thames "The Black British" near the home of Jack The Ripper. On the other side of the channel is Canary Wharf banking district in which he loves to dwell on the night illuminated by the buildings that remind him of his childhood. He left his country for London to live a new life .. until the day he will meet Mandy.

July 2004, 5AM, arrives at Dover Ferry. On the deck "Ragz" was asleep his head lying on his bag and his guitar in the arms when a whisper wakes, a big "black" with wool mittens, a hat and a huge helmet Dockers around the neck that eclipse the sun barely risen. Manu is in a wheelchair, he reaches out to Tom who seized. All the passengers disembarked, there are only two to land French. Manu asks "Ragz" help down once then port it rises from his chair on castors, thrown into the Thames and fled. To go to London there are still some miles, Tom missed the bus so excited he hitchhiked. First half smashed car slows. At the rear three Eastern girls conducted by a sinister Arabic with a red cap down on the skull which makes the finger before accelerating, "Fuck", as friendly welcome. A little later a Ferrari stops with a young Indian driver barely twenty years old at the wheel, a monkey on his shoulder, "Bam-Bam" filing "Ragz" in downtown of London.

Tom already speaks English as his great Afro-Caribbean mother has transmitted the songs he listened to her teenager and wants to make an album in this legendary city with a black singer English is his dream. He finds a room £ 100 per week for two weeks in a newspaper hoping to get a little job and then be able to stay as long as possible to find the diva in the streets of the city. Tom discovers the London Underground for the first time with tickets to the size of a credit card and police armed with shotguns in the middle of passersby who seem serene. Terminus Limehouse.

Went to the address indicated on the plan, Tom sees no number on the door, just a peephole, it is not a hotel, the building looks more like a squat abandoned. He then joined the bookmaker who is next. Wall dozens of screens broadcast greyhound racing or Monster Truck with two old men at the back of the room who bet on the winning horses post-it rolled smoking. Tom approached the counter and asked the manager if it is the right place, it confirms the booker saying he should call the mailbox for the 787 that come down to open. Sanders found it amusing as to how and hurries to go. "Hello, there's someone in there," he said, shouting until they hear footsteps on the stairs.

Lucas opens the door, an Italian tall as three apples and muscular like Bruce Lee hosts Tom and led to his room. In the lobby of crushed cigarette butts on the carpet, the walls are dirty and heavy atmosphere. On the first floor, second door leads to a room occupied every night by a gang of youths from all backgrounds playing poker around a large table drinking cans of White Cider, local beer the cheapest in the area. Tom installs and shares a room of 9m2 with Georgio, Spanish tattooed. The second floor of the Indians crowded into pieces work who pray to Allah every day and eat curry rice everyday. Maurice Greek, he lives on the top floor, a strange character shaggy and imposing that washes once a week on Sunday. Then, a ladder led to the London skyline at the top, where Tom likes to play alone with his guitar at night.

That morning Tom from seeking work with his guitar in the back, this is not the best bet for getting hired but he always convince with his luggage so he goes to the "job center" of the corner, and for the first time in his life he enters into the skin of Rabbi Jacob, surrounded by Rabbis in the film. No woman in the office, they all have long beards and braids in their big hats and black patent leather shoes, also black like their tunics. No jeans shoes at the entrance, take a ticket and get in line before approaching a consultant for the job. The only woman present here, sitting behind her desk receives Tom for five minutes before he leaves the Jewish temple with a piece of paper on the hand wich a list of telephone numbers are listed. The problem is that Sanders did have phone, he prefers to spend most of his few remaining books in the "Bengali" dealers in the area and do not want to buy phone cards to contact employers. He crumples the paper and throws it through the dock from Canary Wharf.

Police sirens roar as the day. Tom "Ragz" Sanders likes to walk for hours in the streets of East End without path already traced, he quickly becomes accustomed to the climate of London and makes friends wherever he stops with his guitar, in parks, bars or on the roof of 787 Commercial Road where building overlooking the city as in his adolescent dreams.

Returning home, Tom is as usual buy some "White Cider" for the community first floor. Since he moved into this building it attracts the curiosity of its congeners by the reasons for his presence in London. First influenced by punk culture of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and rock musicians, jazz, gypsy and then hip hop with which he played, he built an artistic world with clear goals. Therefore, according to the philosophy of Tom, his presence in East End is not a coincidence, then it soaks up the local atmosphere every day. Sanders decapsulates a can in the common room of the 787 with the three Italians brothers, Tony, Luigi and Marco came from Rome to London to work as all the tenants present in the squat. Beside them, Maria, a beautiful brunette with green eyes that always offers Tom a morning coffee in her mini Italian coffee tin for two people and spaghetti each night.

The choice of food is limited here, we do not know sometimes what is not in packages even when looking at the drawing "Khebab" and noodles are on the menu every day. Roberta is as an airflow, a Hungarian glasses with high heels and big tits always makeup, fishnet stockings flirting with her short skirt and sexier than her name suggests she is a passionate authored books, she reads while cooking, walking, and not talk to anyone, can be a way to do so that we do not approach she. A couple of Paris, Jeff and Jennifer and their friend David playing cards with Eve and Sandy arrived yesterday from Canada. It is 10PM, Tom has not crossed his roommate Georgio and others are curious to see his face when he will meet. They laugh together amid the corpses of beers and full ashtrays until Maurice entered the smoky room with steam escaping from the communal kitchen.

Maurice said "The Greek" is his nickname. Athens immigrated to East End. he has not rectified his situation and working without papers, he is roofer and lives alone in third floor. Tom looks and a look as if the shot was not welcome at this stage. A smell of fermented cheese comes in the room. Maurice is not alone, he brought his best friend like every night when he invites table, Jack Daniels, a bottle of £ 15 per day whysky it could pay the rent each month to Sanders. Came out of the shower, the colossus mouth gangster is shirtless with a towel colors of Ferrari around his big belly and tap left toe nails than long and dirty. When he emptied his first Whisky 75Cl "The Greek" asks Ragz if he can take a bottle at the same time seeing him prepare to feed the tape. Sandy and Eve are the pursuit of money around them. At this point half-baked  Maurice out a wad of cash in his briefcase stuck as if he'd rob a bank and everyone is frozen on his hand carefully place the elastic for a door leaf . It tends £ 20 to Sanders among the hundreds he holds coils, then ranks quickly the money under his belly.

Tom comes down the stairs, opened the heavy door to the entrance of the building and lack of being jostled by a woman leaving pursued by punks with an old dog box to close the race. Almost amused by the scenes he finds in his paradise he's no longer surprised by what is happening in East End. He picks up the handkerchief she dropped to the ground and continued his way.


Go back to the grocery store express. Arriving in the area, this is an orgy, Jennifer dancing on the table in underwear with billets between the breasts, loud music, she made the show for "The Greek". Taking advantage of the intoxicated and saw what he hides on him, the band of 787 set up a get-apen to steal the money. Maurice in his loft upstairs sleeping on a moldy mattress recovered outside, without cover or radiator with a few slips, pornographic magazines for reading, a portable laser with a disc of folklore from his country, a zippo, a perfume "Ferrari "a pair of shoes,  a jeans, one t-shirt, a knife, a drill and a towel. When Jennifer turned back to the Greek, Jeff takes the cash of Maurice slid into her Bra and string and makes each distribution quietly, but the game ends when Georgio appeared behind Tom.

Georgio is from Palma de Mallorca, his body is filled with tattoos like a tribal warrior and he does not understand a word of English. Boxer become dealer of cocaine after an accident, he flees his island to get away from the drug scene and take a legal activity abroad because of jobs in the country. His mother is French and his father Spanish, but he does not practice an other than his paternal language, it's hard for him to make friends as well as find a job in London. The Spanish shares a room with Tom, 9m2, a small table, a wardrobe and two twin linked butt plunging on a window that does not open. Chamber "23" leads directly to the common room and you can see the silhouettes of both sides through the windows blurred adorning the wooden door. Observing the scheming clan unbeknownst to Maurice the two friends stay together to survive in the jungle of East End as long as possible.

Georgio does not return to his country, he risks imprisonment if he is still arrested for drug trafficking and Tom has no other place to go, they both follow their destiny according to their instinct .

As the tribe of the 787 likes the show and they are behind on their ren, Tom and Georgio trying to organize paying paris night, wrestling £ 20 placed on the winner but the trick works only two both because they are more sturdy band and always find face to face in the final. They often play basketball on the playground of Hackney and they are familiar neighborhood youth who drive Ferrari. After pocketing £ 200 in the last showdown this Sunday morning, Lucas goes to visit his tenants to collect checks for end of half month to his boss, the owner of the building, Amir Shaaron.

Lucas is a champion Greco-Roman featherweight in Italy and worked in London for the Jewish mafia. It is he who is responsible to grow the squat by welcoming young workers or undocumented aliens who immigrated to 787. He crossed the day before the whole band in a nightclub Leister Square in the heart of London and has taken sympathy for the duo Tom and tribal Georgio.


The Squat showers are in danger. Since he lives in East End Tom has adapted to the most comical situations to the point that is sometimes forgotten that the window of the bathroom offers an exceptional view to the passengers when the bus stops outside. No hot water! He goes naked bus crosses a shower and change but it does not work nor the other three, so he resigned himself to the cold water does not drain and fill the tank. Thinking reached the end of his ordeal, he can not turn off the water, it forces the chain that sends the pressure and the ceiling with tears is flooding. Someone knocks on the door, Maurice "The Grec" alerted by the noise was armed with a broom mop and a bucket to intervene.

Tom opens the door with a towel on her hips, jeans soaked hand and his shoes in the other, Maurice gives him a smirk and cleaned quickly without waiting. Tom crosses Luca at the same time and the band from 787 and the tens changed atmosphere around the table. Since the London bombings trash have been deleted in the neighborhood and collectors no longer pass through Commercial Road then the young have found a solution based on best practices in Indian 2nd floor, littering by the window kitchen.

Opposite to the road on the other side of the building, a spiral staircase leads to the inner courtyard enclosed by a huge portal inaccessible without a key and where waste land in recent years. Lucas gets upset after the first tenants who do not want to pay their rent until repairs have not been carried out. The toilets are clogged showers do not work and flying insects have invaded the kitchen. Lucas then justifies accusing the clan for not respecting the premises. He did not insist, and returns.

To thank the Greek have rescued in the day, Tom offer a bottle of Jack Daniels to his future colleague and Uninhibited asked from where the billets he saw the other night in his hand come from. Maurice in turn poses a question to Tom. Lucas returned the next day at dawn accompanied by a bulldozer with legs instead of arms, they intend to get paid. Everyone takes his coffee. David, the manager paid for clogged toilets tries to intervene against "Hulk" that blocks the passage to the exit and prevents it from going to work. Unfortunately there is no negotiation possible and residents are invited to leave in a week under penalty before expulsion.

Tom is in order but can not continue to live in such conditions. Each evening Jeff and Jennifer play golf in the living room and fire extinguishers were emptied the day when Georgio and Tom fills the slip of David with CO2. Today he has an appointment with the boss of The Greek,  Amir Shaaron, who directed Lucas also owns the 787. Amir is a businessman with a strong character, he took Tom aside and asked him to clean the yard for £ 100. Maurice tells Tom the billets that he saw were won by working hard on the market of Camden Town. The Greek is paid double because the strength and courage of two men together, it is known to install storefronts with bare hands and carry loads of over 100 pounds on the roof without machine. It is he who learns Tom one of the oldest profession in the city of London, roofer.

Sanders proposes Georgio share gain and work, but the Spaniard has lost the desire to live in the East End and elects to return to Majorca, he refuses to do the garbage. Tom is not discouraged for so little, he knows that time is limited before the return of the boss and the night falls quickly so it turns on and team. It makes holes in garbage bags to cover his body microbes given the state of the court, each member is attached with rags he tore his first sheet. Ready to face the East End of rats, it has the key that opens the yard, and he puts his hood with a shovel he argues.

The gate opens and hardly squeaky Tom discovers the 8th Wonder of the World, a gigantic slope falls in front of him and the first shovel snapped bitumen. After five hours of hard under the gaze of the tribe to the floor, the court is clear. Sanders proudly contemplating the result  when suddenly fell from the sky a garbage bag exploded at his feet and asparagus curry rice. Once more the Indians!

Tom leaves the court exceeded, slamming the gate, walked around the building and up to the second floor to throw one of the "Bengali" by the window. Meanwhile the prayer time has come for Muslims means calling in the street and when it reaches the floor, "Paki" is in full communion with Allah on his carpet, it is Tom first time attending this practice outside broadcasts made by the media. He discovered the Quran and befriends the Indians who often invite to share their evening meal.


They feel safe with "Ragz" because they are afraid of Greek that is racist and insulting when drunk. This is the end of the week and Lucas will pass in a few days to return the keys of the first tenants. Amir has kept his promise and hired Tom in his business.

Sanders will discover the influence of the mafia Shaaron and Jewish East End. It begins by delivering luxury sofas in Richmond, pumice and he painted the walls and gates worn companies belonging to his boss, he learned the plumbing Poles, techniques tile roofs and repairs plagued by bad weather, Tom became an East Ender.

It's raining. One evening after a day's work, Sanders returned home by bus that led to his doorstep and which gives the upper compartment in front of the window of his bathroom. At the bottom of the building an old prostitute solicits African, pregnant belly with air holes and slippers offers Tom a blowjob for £ 5. He digs in his pocket and handed him a ticket without a word before disappearing from the grocer end of the avenue. She sheds a tear in the rain.

As a ritual on the roof of his squat, Tom likes smoking join the night to compose new songs and not think about the past. When he arrives at the cashier to pay, he realizes that he has given he had left in his pockets two minutes before and do not have enough money to buy rolling papers. He turns his head. At the end of the display, an Afro-Caribbean beauty with a smile electrical and doe eyes on a body of a goddess, it is love at first sight with Mandy.

The young woman at the time of purchase beer and approached Tom to offer him to come with her in the park of the chapel. Tom agrees and returns home before joining with his guitar. Mandy dancing next to a bench, without music. Sitting with his old dog, Howard Dean tramps East End, a long beard tarnished by the smoke from his pipe, a hat on his head and the Bible in the hand of Shakespeare, who sings a bottle of red wine another. Tom sits down and begins to play. Mandy sticks to him like an animal and sniffs the neck at arm's length. A surprised and excited by this strange behavior and again, the tension mounts, the music stops, Mandy takes Tom's hand and tells him to come home.
On the way she warns Tom to be distant and discreet because her ex-husband is able to stab him if they are seen together. He does not understand but do not ask to be achieving its other unfulfilled fantasy, making love with a woman ebony this evening for the first time ... then it follows from the other side of the street.

Mandy got home, he recognizes the scent of leaves scarf and enchanted by the torrid climate prevailing in this apartment, the beautiful lights candles on the terrace as she pulls out a bottle of rum and its branch Hi FI. Tom goes to the bathroom to take a shower, she follows him, and still without a word, she undresses and shower with delicacy, he lets himself go and observe still wary of this unusual encounter and the history of ex dangerous. Mandy goes cream on the body "Ragz," handed him a robe and she asks him to go out and shut one turn.

In the living room by connecting the sliding door, only candlelight illuminates each piece. The atmosphere is always warm and the desire arises in their actions. Tom goes on the terrace while Mandy puts a disc in his Meshell N'Degeocello platinum and turn it up to maximum, it is 2:00 in the morning. Tom does not return, he listens, before arriving in London he played pieces Meshell is an artist that only purists may know and one of those with Laureen Hill who guided him to London.

Tom then sit on a chair in the sixteenth century and takes out his guitar, and he accompanied as suddenly as if by magic, Mandy starts to sing. A tsunami carries, "Ragz" closes his eyes, he listens. This is the living reincarnation Laureen Hill, his voice on edge, full of sadness inside, it's amazing! At this moment everything goes very fast in the head of Tom, he needs the singer on her album and in his bed. They make love that night as if it were the last time they touch and Tom returned home at the request of the beautiful ebony crystal voice, after a last smile Mandy through the window of his window, a last tear.

It is 5:00 London awakes. Before returning to the squat, Tom goes through Whitechapel get his dose at the usual place where there are always young Pakistanis who dealent sector in the street at dawn. Tom know them well, as they deal crack and some of them consumes daily, hidden in the sewers of the channel to the shelter of the police. He thinks Mandy and all that has happened since the time he left or Camden Town yesterday, "Who is Mandy, will he see her again?", He did not phone attach or taken his number, just his memory, a name, a voice, a body, a fragrance, a look and a smile.

That morning, he went to join Maurice Camden Town market on site. It's a beautiful time in London. After mounting equipment on the roof of the store by wooden ladder and gas canisters that weighs a ton at arm's length without security, he puts on his gloves and lit his torch and goes to work. The view offers a panorama of the passersby and stands merchants. Camden is the place more original than you can imagine where Gothic bourgeois bohemians, punks, rastas and drag queen end up in a magical and colorful with musicians from around the world share their passion in the street.

Tom pauses and extends to contemplate the sky when the noise surprises from below like the sound of a broken record, this is DJ Fresh who moved. A beat sound came out of an enclosure which gives the pulse, the music takes shape, a voice arises is that of Rita. Tom gets up and tries from which the show. In the middle of the market, a DJ with his platinum embedded in a cadi scratch on the phrasing of a rapper. The crowd created an arc around and landed hip hop dancers in the set until the last MC join to close the ball, Doc Brrown.

Tom look at Doc as a sniper, this is impossible! Manu is it the guy who woke before arriving in London on the ferry and then he smoked too much marijuana these days. He awaits the end of the show and down the roof to make sure. Manu and Doc are not alike it is indeed the same person and Tom is once again captivated when he discovers that Manu is hip hop singer. It will take a drink in Soho through the streets of the "Red Light District" in London.

Doc and Tom took the opportunity to get to know in an Irish pub where every Friday night customers push the song to the tune piano. Sanders proposes Doc to keep in touch but the problem is that Manu has no housing so without thinking Tom suggests a place in his squat to 787. They meet later with the whole band before the arrival of Lucas and his guard dog to dislodge them.

A late afternoon Eat End. In the living room, Roberta who never speaks is usually the chin of his book seeing Doc nose in a Marvel with his headphones on, she sits beside him. They discuss all the current flows and immediately between them. Tom is mounted on the roof with his guitar, cans of "White Cider" in a bag and Sandy that tomorrow is going to join Eve already returned to Canada. David French and Jeff and Jennifer returned to Paris, and Maria has left her mini coffee tin at Tom before flying to Rome with the three brothers, Tony, Luigi and Marco. The light buildings of Canary Wharf is off, power outage in East End ..

The 787 Commercial Road is almost empty, Maurice always on the 3rd floor offers Tom to settle in his dilapidated 100m2 with two bedrooms, an open space, boards with nails lying on the ground and nothing else. Sanders up his affairs before the arrival of Lucas. The only health that the Greek repaired and kitchen are on the 1st. Tom spent the night under the stars with his accomplice Sandy waiting for the sunrise, it is 5:30 when he returned to his room. Doc sharing a single bed with Roberta, the Hungarian. She wakes up without making a sound when Sanders opened the front door to pack hER bags and disappeared without a word. Manu only keep the memory of this night of ecstasy with the sexiest woman of East End.

Lucas has a day ahead of the date announced and peak at 787 Commercial Road wrestler with a year more cases of refusal to obey but payers have already fled by the docklands then take a coffee with Tom, The Doc and The Greek. Lucas gets a call from Amir Shaaron at the same time and must return the key tenants to Tom that his behalf. Tom Sanders found overnight and owner of a 3-storey building to holiday return boss. More rent to pay, graciously hosted, there is what to do with the box squat-hippest hotel in East London and the cheapest on the market when it establishes a strategic plan and then work with Manu bribe Maurice at the same time taking possession of the first floor is now uninhabited.

Greek who lives alone in the building for a few years is the oldest still present tenants and imposes his style amble as dean. he accepts the presence of Doc in some previously established rules, he does not want that he sleeps here because he is black and could strip his words in the night.

"Ragz" takes the bus every day to go on construction sites with his drill, his dark jeans too large and penned in khaki belted at the waist which allows him to steal chocolate chip cookies from time to time at the grocery store when he is hungry and can't pay.

Arrived at Seven Sisters Road, in front of the building there is a video camera with security code, it is a center for battered women and homeless with their children where others are pregnant. Most are of African origin and one of her with white skin, lives with her husband Max who wears a electronic ankle strap. Tom must repair the bathrooms, hallways and crumbling leaky roof but tired of not touching his salary he walks in the cold aisles between the hospice strokes. Max calls out from his room and invite him to take a coffee, is a former East End gangster arrested for stealing car faces jail if he goes outside the hours fixed by the police. 6PM, the LED flashes at its foot, Max can no longer get cigarettes. "Ragz" hands him his package with a bit of grass at the bottom, gangster smiled, he was not the habit of generosity interested in him. In exchange he gives a video "The Smoke In Up Tour".

The next day Tom and Manu should make a move to Richmond in the South in a rich French owner. They go take a truck to Swiss Cottage in North and go on an adventure, the landscape offers breathtaking views of the forests of London. When the furniture is removed from Ms. Smith remains one last box in the living room next to the TV-VCR combination. Tom has never seen the British TV and negotiates with the matron had to leave because the next owners. "Ragz" and "Doc" returns to East End with their trophy and will be able to watch the video hip hop.

At 787 Commercial Road, Maurice "The Greek" is in the living room on the 1st floor at the bottle and see the two jokers up the stairs with television to Tom's room, he thinks it's a surprise to him is intended. 

00h00. Doc has no place to sleep since the night before Lucas went and retrieved the keys Tom has received orders not to enter any foreign person in the squat. As Maurice tank every night a bottle of Jack Daniels before going to bed to get up at 6:00 and he would watch TV that night. Zippo on the table placed next to his knife near Marlboro "king size" and this always stinking atmosphere that rode between lanes. For this reason "Ragz" is equipped with a spray deodorant. Maurice asks Tom to get off the TV in the kitchen where the only outlets work.

Amir Shaaron has not been heard from since he is on vacation and apparently no longer pays Tom finds himself square hands in his pockets free working for a boss who sends missions through Greek. TV is his deal and reward of the day when he refuses to look for the first time next to a big pile of manure. Greek is not happy when Doc reasoning task "Ragz" that eventually settle with Maurice offering him a contract so that Manu could stay at 787 in exchange for the TV which will be delivered tomorrow only. Greek nods.


It's still raining in London. Tom participated in the laundry area, where it takes an hour to slacks and shorts. Usually, he will make a game of pool in a bar further with Georgio.

Going to the bar, Tom meets Mandy, he is happy to see her, but she goes ahead and does not stop. It is accompanied by a gang of punks and headed for the park Limehouse, Tom called the first time, she did not return and as he remembers the threat in the street about the former Mandy he did not insist. An hour passes, he leaves the pub and sees her again in the street with his band, he comes to see that this time their eyes met Tom and he seems to be totally alien, invisible. Then there is a reason and returns to 787. Just arrived home, stuns, he realizes he forgot jeans in the machine and returns the search Mandy may cross again. The laundry comes close, Mandy is still there, in the street, sitting on the fence of the bridge over the canal, with a beer and his friends, she laughed, and then look back to Tom last night, this is not the woman he has the memories, sensual and wild, the singer smile distressed he fell in love.

Mandy is a jeunky of "East End", a smoker of crack addicts who frequent the area. Sanders wants to be sure this is it then approaches the group stops in front of them and Mandy jumped into his arms as if by magic, they hug in the middle of the street and tone up a notch . A Maghreb long haired and curly, very thin and came out of nowhere Mandy strikes violently on the head with a can full. The woman fell to the ground, it is the former Mandy Amed. Enraged, knife in hand, he threatens to kill Tom and shouting insults, meanwhile Mandy gets up and runs to turn on her ex, the fight begins. Around passersby stop to watch the show, a local man built like a boxer looks also as if the scene was at the movies with his sandwich on the floor of his home. Tom despite the fear has no choice but to act quickly without thinking of the consequences when he grasps the hair addict, broke his arm and crushes it against an iron bar on the ground. Amed not move he fainted. The couple run off together before the police arrived on the scene.

Up the stairs to the third floor of 787, Mandy, a bump on the forehead and paralyzed down his trousers and urinated on the stairs. She called Mike, a friend with his mobile phone to pick her up and kill Amed before he takes revenge on her next time. She is under the effect of shock, full descent crack, missing, she shakes, sweats, talking quickly and said anything. Tom now feels in danger with this woman, love flies, but not his voice, she leaves.

In the large room on the 3rd Tom, Manu smokes grass purchased earlier before the Whitechapel park their Ferrari dealer  "Bam Bam" which also inhabits East End. Since Sanders is changed, it has nothing to lose in life and not afraid by the Grec which nevertheless twice its weight and wears anvils instead of fists.

When up in the middle of the night Maurice feels the smell of hemp that spreads under the wooden door of the room where Doc and Ragz are in full harmony writing a song. "787 Commercial Road" for Mandy he can not forget. Maurice tolerate to see young people smoking some time ago to completely changed behavior, he became aggressive after the departure of girls whose presence offered a breath of fresh air in East End and in a fit of anger he struck the door with his up, startled Tom and Manu. In the street the sirens are ubiquitous, it is only 3:00 ET neighborhood gangsters are out under the full moon.

Tom did not want to open that emphasizes the Greek and suddenly the door yields and ground layer of a block. Maurice is in a trance after two bottles of Jack Daniels swallowed, he wants the television. He throws his zippo violently towards Tom avoids then takes Manu holding a pack of Marlboro in hand and accuses him of stealing his cigarettes while he slept. At this moment "Ragz" seizes zippo and seized the bomb is placed on the window sill. Maurice breaks everything around him, he grabs the sofa bed mattress built and balance outside of the room with their business and shoot in an ashtray Tom hurts his leg. Doc meanwhile grabbed the nail gun in the toolbox and Maurice while pointing the zippo lighter Ragz ready to burn. The Greek does not back then based on the Tom spray which unfortunately is empty, the luck, terrified by the noise, "Paki", the second Indian threatens to call the police and then The Grec returned to his neighborhoods gibbering , he hopes to clear out these two phenomena of East End.

Doc hates violence, he knew that in the past with his father and decided to leave the squat, it is therefore farewell to Ragz before disappearing as the first day. Tom recalls this meeting on his arrival at the port with a rapper in a wheelchair to save on the path that was passed to a disabled wheelchair with her grandmother disappeared, why he followed "Ragz" to East End, to lay her ashes where she lived with an English soldier whom she had fallen in love during the war.

Ragz gives Greek television. His last mission, collect the money owed Amir Shaaron. He meets Maurice in the lobby at 7AM changing the lock on the door of 787 Commercial Road. Greek laughed at him in warning him that tonight he will not be back here and he should take his luggage with him if he does not want find them in the street. Ragz is well known in the neighborhood as they pick up cigarette butts on the ground even when he runs and is already preparing his revenge in mind

Appointment of women at home Seven Sisters Road. After a long absence he finally sees his boss Jew who hired without a contract and the home under his roof rent-free in a squat where the number is invisible to the entrance with a gangster and Indian immigrants working illegally for him in other business. Shaaron tends £ 200 to "Ragz" and tells him to take the ferry and return to his country. Tom do not give eyes to the mafia boss, he takes the money, shakes his hand firmly, then thank suit. Leave London like that? Ever!

It is eight o'clock this morning, the last ship expected in the day is at 5PM for Calais, leaving Tom sees his friend's Ferrari parked 100 meters from home, it is pay day for him as he works for the boss . Ragz is pressed, no time to lose it one last accountable before leaving permanently East End. He takes a bus, get the drill Maurice on his site before it arrives and then passes through the channel. There, a punk, his rangers in the water with a stick trying to make a current difficulty to reconcile with what appears to be a wheel, Tom helps raise the chair full of mud. It seems that Doc chair has crossed the Thames .. he continues his crusade.

As the door is now reinforced with a new lock, "Ragz" called "Paki" by the mailbox but nobody answers. Tom decided to go all costs in the squat when he crosses the street to four lanes, observed a moment the cameras attached to the 3rd floor skylight which prevents them from using the drill and then he puts his hood, dark at full speed on the door propelling his bag to add weight, the door can not resist and Ragz through the lobby of a glide before crashing at the bottom of the stairs when "Paki" down the stairs quietly gaping barely awake. He wonders what Tom is down and closes the door behind him as if everything was fine.

Yet the heart beats Ragz 100k / h and its mission is not complete. He leaves his business goes down and ran to first. Greek has changed all the locks, we also smash the door, it is a matter of habit for Tom. He goes out of his pocket knife he stole in the previous Greek while he slept and snatched the hinges from the wall and then goes into Maurice's room he seeks among twenty pieces following his scent. He quickly found the source and then between rampage that Mauritius holds it burns his identity card and pictures of his family, his record of Greek folklore explodes into pieces, her perfume, her pants, and the microwave Television fly through the window and end their existence in the courtyard of the 787 Commercial Road.

Tom thinks about Mandy and every day that this album will never be together. It rises one last time on the roof of 787 with the scarf around her neck and sees Howard without his dog, punks, Amed in a wheelchair full of mud pushed by Mandy near the bench where they met. At that moment a thought of hatred tied through his mind, he realized that Mandy is a prostitute and Amed East End's mac ... he wants the death of the man who destroyed his diva and incredible love story.

Commercial Road between the park and squat heavy traffic, a dozen police surrounded the area and every night the sirens roar as in the Bronx, New York. Off "Bam Bam" is pursued by the police in Ferrarri. Front of the chapel they fight again, punks leave one side, Howard sits on his bench and Mandy comes out the other side followed by Amed he recognizes the red cap. Tom lies down, closes the eyes, screeching tires in the sky East End.

A cry, then a sound, this is the last time he hears the voice of Mandy.

                                                                       Written by Ròm

In memory of  "Ragz" Reagan Thomas Jaii Powers Sanderson born in August 1988 and died of an overdose in his sleep in March 2012 to Caloundra, Australia.


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